CJA - DNA & Genealogy Zoom Talk
December 3, 2022 | 4:00 pm Eastern, 1:00 pm Pacific - 5:00 pm Eastern, 2:00 pm Pacific
Zoom Registration is required. Watch your email inbox for the link.

Please join us for our 2nd Genealogy Zoom Talk featuring our Clan Genealogist, Barbara Gorham Johnson. Barbara will walk us through the Basics of DNA, Inheritance, and Interpreting Your Results. This will be followed by a Q & A session where you can ask Barbara questions about DNA & Genealogy, as well as other genealogy related topics. The presentation will take approximately 30 minutes, followed by a 20-minute Q&A session.

This event is available to all current members of Clan Johnston/e in America. 

Contact: Barbara Gorham Johnson Genealogy@ClanJohnstone.org 

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